Tag Archives: recipe

Picture Hoarder Part I

I get a lot of crap for always taking so many pictures (i e thanks boyfriend). Of just about everything. I don’t know what it is, I just like to capture the moment of something I enjoyed, in some way shape of form.

So as I was trying to update the software for the iphone (gofigure eh?), my pictures starting downloading. And now I have realized I do in fact take, keep or store tons of pictures. I want to try to motivate people with things that have truly wow’d me, or just something that I obviously thought was worth keeping. Yes, I guess you could say I’m a picture hoarder.

L O L.

This could mean more to me than just the sexy ass bod! Seriously, this is beyond bad ass.

This could mean more to me than just the sexy ass bod! Seriously, this is beyond bad ass.


I believe these are called champagnes. AND OMG I LOVE THEM! They hurt so bad yet sooooooo good.

I believe I’ve done these, but were called champagnes. AND OMG I LOVE THEM! They hurt so bad yet sooooooo good.


This back speaks for itself #motivation.

This back speaks for itself #motivation.


So, as you can see, in most cases I screen shot the picture. Unless I am using it on my instagram, I will leave the pictures like this to ensure that the correct person can take credit for the picture (especially recipes).

Please. PLEAAASSSSSSEEEE Let me find these babies. I just KNOW these are fantastic.

Please. PLEAAASSSSSSEEEE Let me find these babies. I just KNOW these are fantastic. #lemoniloveyou #teamoreo


Just one bad B.

Such a great capture. Just one bad b.




But honestly, this picture is FLIPPING hiliarious. Not to forget that the girl who posted it is just as funny. I literally watch her videos over and over like a creep because she is THAT funny. Check her out on instagram @mo_lllly. I always see good food and (for the most part) always take a bit. I can always do more cardio, but sometimes good food doesnt always come around when youre allowed to “eat it” ( as in if you have a “cheat meal”). If and when I am not competing, I will always have something if I want it. Why would you ever deny yourself something that would make you happy, 5 seconds or not? I love food. If I want a bite of a cupcake or well, the whole damn thing I will. And you should too. Keep your sanity, youll thank me later…

And since I seem to SS (screen shot) ALOT, and most of them either motivation or a recipe, they get lost. So, I definitely want to start writing down the recipes or at least shooting the picture (with cred!) on here just so I can refer to the website instead of scrolling through hundreds of thousands of pictures. Here is a recipe that I’ll end this episode of picture hoarding with šŸ™‚

photo 3 copy

Pretty simple. I like recipes in which I would have majority of the ingredients already at home. I want to start a collection that could better assist my clients with. Snacking is a huge ordeal when it comes down to working out and getting in shape. I need to come up with something that takes the punishment out of “dieting” with.

Just a little check in. Woke up around 6am took a few clients and ended with 45 minutes of cardio. I ate, and now time for a little nap. The only thing is my iphone is still updating because it has started and stopped 4 times because the lap top was no longer in use.. DECISIONS DECISIONS!!!!



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CCK’s chocolate PB cake.

I know I suck at life but with getting sick and getting cited for public intoxication, I’ve been quite the busy bee. Will update later. I pinky promise.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake


Adapted from this recipe.

    • 1 tablespoon plus 2 tsp cocoa powder (8g)
    • 3 tablespoons powdered peanut butter (PB2 or Betty Louā€™s) (For substitutions, see ā€œnutrition factsā€ link below)Ā (18g)
    • scant 1/16 tsp salt
    • 1 tsp xylitol or sugar (omit if you like bitter chocolate cake) (4g)
    • 1/4 tsp baking powder
    • 1 stevia packet or 1 more tablespoon sugar
    • 2 tsp coconut or veg oil, or mashed banana or applesauce (I personally donā€™t like the fat-free option and recommend the oil, but Iā€™m adding the option because I know many of youĀ donā€™t mind the taste/texture of the lower-fat version.) (8g)
    • 3 tablespoons milk of choice (45g)
    • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract

Combine dry ingredients and mix very, very well. Add liquid, stir, then transfer to a little dish, 1-cup ramekin, or even a coffee mug. If using the microwave: cook 1 minute 25 seconds (time may vary, depending on your microwaveā€™s wattage). If you donā€™t want to eat it straight out of the dish, be sure to spray your dish first (and then wait for the cake to cool before trying to remove it). You can cook this in an oven if you prefer, but youā€™ll have to experiment to find the correct amount of time.


Chocolate Covered Katie.

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Paleo Strawberry Shortcake

Paleo Strawberry Shortcakes

Strawberries (as many as you think you need)

Wash and slice strawberries. Take about one cup of berries and blend in a blender or food processor. You can add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup if you wish. Toss the sliced berries with the pureed berries. Cover and put in the fridge.

Almond flour shortcakes

2 1/2 cups almond flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup almond or melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup or honey
2 eggs
1 tsp lemon juice

Preheat oven to 350. In large bowl beat eggs. Add syrup, oil and juice. Then add almond flour, salt and baking soda. Mix until batter is stick and well combined. Drop 1/4 blobs onto parchment lined baking sheet. Space about 1-2 inches apart. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve nice and warm covered in fresh berries. To store, place in zip top bag. And for future enjoyment, reheat the shortcakes in the toaster oven.


So I made this.. or at least attempted too. L.M.F.A.O HOWEVERRRRR the original recipe I got the idea from no joke said 1 TABLESPOON salt. WTF? I listen and read well.. so I did just that and HOLY FUCK a big no no. I should of known better but come on! The consistency was awesome just you know… a little salty……… AND I FUCKING LOVE SALT! haha.. no bueno. But here is a different recipe and y’all should make it. This with my coconut whipped cream. Fuck yeah. Enjoy.


I missed 3 work outs (days rather).. the heat is getting to me and I’ve been exhausted and moody. I swear everything has been getting to me. I told my boyfriend just the other night that I think I like being angry/ and or sad. No joke. It’s like the littlest things upset me. Not that I want to get into it or anything but he doesn’t deserve the shit I say.. like my “k” responses or even worse, “ok.” like what the fuck? Granted this is a new relationship and were both getting use to things, I am trying. Not that I am perfect by any means but I notice these things and he is the LAST person that deserves the brunt of my episodes. It hurts me knowing that I hurt him. I love him with all of my heart.
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Paleomg Blueberry Muffins!

Holy crap. I skipped a workout (now have to try to get a workout in the rest of the week.. I do do stupid shit though.. squats in the bathroom, lunges in the middle of the road while the boo and I waited for the cops to leave a house so we could get our car on 4th of July..true story.. but what I am saying is this shit adds up.. you don’t think so but it does*).. and decided that I though I didn’t want to be working out I wanted to do something that still makes me enjoy life just a little bit more. I have been putting all fave recipes in a book, printing out recipes but not making them. So that’s what I was gonna do, bake.

Paleomg.com thank you.

I made your blueberry muffins and I loved them. Although I don’t eat paleo* the ingredients are so simple that I don’t discriminate šŸ˜‰ and you’ll be thankful I don’t. This are magical. Obviously they have flour and sugar (honey, which is something I wanted to tweak), but these compared to a store bought one its almost dumb to waste all those stairmaster minutes on shit you didn’t need but wanted. hmmph.

Simple Blueberry Muffins

Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 20 mins
Total time: 25 mins
Serves: 8-10
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. If youā€™re good at baking, youā€™ll know to mix the dry then the wet ingredients then mix together, but I do all the ingredients together and it works out just fine.
  3. Place ingredients into 8-10 silicone muffin cups in a muffin tin. Or you can use muffin tin paper liners.
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Just keep an eye on it, they will puff up and look adorable.
  5. Eat them and be happy. And merry.

Oh.. btw.. I have never cooked with honey and I wanted to mention something and then remembered something else about the honey.. it made the batter veryyyyyyyy sticky! Not joke that or I fucked up but they still tasted wonderful. I had to hand mix in the blueberries and was still having trouble.Ā  so I made 6 kinda on the bigger side muffins because I only have a 12×12 pan or 6 muffin tin and this batter was ickkystickyy. I also want to try to sweeten it with a different kind of sugar.. organic cane.. blue agave syrup… trial and error šŸ™‚

and I am a dumbass.

I was looking at the directions and read 8-10 .. literally were making these in a timely manner not reading further.. 15-20.. thank goodness I know to stick a fork inside to see how clean it comes out. These didnt after 8 min.. nor 10.. lol haha

But overall fucking great.. here is her pictures of the muffins and heres mine linking back to my instagram account..


They were wonderful (:

..and after I go to get the link for the pictures I see a carrot cake muffin.. hmm.. and instead of the cream she uses (or maybe I will).. these are the ingredients for the carrot cake muffins..

  • For the frosting
  • 1.5 cups raw cashews (unsalted)
  • 5 tablespoons Coconut Cream Concentrate
  • 1/3 cup canned coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon Raw Honey
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


&& as it relate to my fitness life.. I am hanging in there… Not eating as much as I’d like and haven’t been doing enough cardio (on top of weight training) enough to feel “complete” lol. I am still a little soft in areas and have no doubt that will change with a little more plyometric based exercises and/or a little more time on my stairmastermister haaaa!

Gotta love the ass that the stairmaster gives me!

..and a shit ton of squats and lunges.

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Make Peace with Your Cravings to Drop More Pounds!

Do you struggle with cravings and wishĀ you had the will power to cut out certain foods completely? When we work toward a healthy diet, so many of us think that making a list of food culprits and calling them off-limits will help us to succeed. However, if you take a deeper look at the psychology behind this flawed method, youā€™ll see so many reasons why adopting a ”good food” or ”bad food” attitude will never work.Ā  Restricting certain foods won’t just make dieting miserable–it can also ruin your good intentions of getting healthy and losing weight. Making arbitrary rules about good and bad food isnā€™t the answer to lasting lifestyle change. Instead, use the tips below to build a better relationship with food, learn to master cravings, build self-control and enjoy all foods in moderation.

Stop Labeling Foods as ‘Good’ andĀ ‘Bad’
For decades, behavior analysts have studied the effects of deprivation on peopleā€™s preferences for food, tangible items and activities. The majority of literature on this topic says that, when weā€™re deprived of something, weā€™re more likely to select that particular item from an array of choices. In a recent study conducted at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, researchers found that participants who were asked to restrict either high-carb or high-protein foods for three days reported higher cravings for the banned foods. So, if you label chocolate as evil and forbid it from your menu, youā€™ll be more likely to want it in any form.

The good news is that some level of satiation (satisfying your craving for a particular food) can actually help you to avoid overindulging more often than not. If you can be conscious about your eating and have just enough of your favorite chocolate bar to satisfy that craving, youā€™ll be much less tempted to dip into the candy jar on your co-workerā€™s desk or buy a sweet snack from the vending machine.

This information about deprivation seems like common sense, but youā€™ve probably heard from friends or fellow dieters that the first step in avoiding high-calorie foods is putting them out of your mind altogether. Not true! Researchers are realizing that suppressing thoughts about a particular food can cause an increase in consumption of that food. In a 2010 study, 116 women were split into three groups. The first group was asked to suppress thoughts about chocolate, the second group was asked to actively think about chocolate, and the third group was instructed to think about anything they wished. Afterward, each of the participants was given a chocolate bar. The women who had suppressed their thoughts about chocolate ate significantly more chocolate than the others, despite identifying themselves as more ”restrained eaters” in general. This just goes to show that ”out of mind” doesnā€™t necessarily always mean ”out of mouth.”

Dump the Idea of ‘Diet Foods’
Often, when people are trying to eat better, they start to categorize foods into those that are on their diet plan and those that are not. However, banning specific foods from your weight-loss plan may just make you crave them more. Ā According to an article published this year in the journal Appetite, a UK study of 129 women measured the cravings of those who were ”dieting” to lose weight, ”watching” to maintain their weight, and not dieting at all. The researchers found that, compared with non-dieters,Ā dieters experienced stronger, more irresistibleĀ cravings for theĀ foods they were restricting.

Noticing the difference between healthy and unhealthy options is definitely key in establishing a pattern of better eating. And, when youā€™re starting a weight-loss program, it does help to read food labels andĀ menus carefully so that you can choose wisely. However, when you start to categorize specific foods such as candy, baked goods, alcohol and fried chicken as foods you canā€™t have, youā€™re setting yourself up for a backfire. The issue with labeling a food as a forbidden substance is that your thoughts immediately center on that particular item… and then you inadvertently start bargaining and rationalizing to get more of it. (How many times have you broken your ”diet rules” to reward a trip to the gym with chocolate or a long day at work with a cocktail or two?)

There are some diet plans out there that advocate choosing a particular day of the week as your ”cheat day”–a day when you can indulge in all the foods youā€™ve cut out during the week. But listing certain foods as ”cheats” or ”treats” can set up a scenario where youā€™re depriving yourself all week long and constantly looking to the future, waiting on the moment that youā€™ll be showered with your favorite forbidden goodies (like those commercials where fruit-flavored candies fall from a rainbow).

Besides causing you to crave, labeling certain foods as ”forbidden” makes it really difficult to be mindful of and content with the healthy food youā€™re eating most of the time. Instead of worrying about restricting foods, try to redirect your focus on creating the most delicious salad, grilling a succulent chicken breast or munching a juicy piece of fruit. If you turn your attention to the abundance of healthy options in front of you instead of weighing the pros and cons of particular foods, youā€™ll be more likely to really relish and rejoice in your everyday choices.

Make Sense of ‘Moderation’
Youā€™ve heard the line a thousand times: Everything in moderation. But what does this phrase really mean and how can you apply it to your healthy eating plan? Usually, people hand this advice out when theyā€™re indulging in unhealthy food and drink and trying to get you to join in, say at a wedding or birthday party. So is it just peer pressure? Or is there something to this age-old saying?

Choosing to eat all foods in moderation works just fine for some people. If you have a healthy relationship with food (e.g., you have no trouble putting away the bag of chips after just one serving), then eating a little bit of your favorite food may satisfy your craving and leave you full until the next healthy meal.

However, for some people, it just doesnā€™t work that way. Sweets, salts and alcohol all cause biological reactions in the body that are hard to ignore. And, if youā€™re someone who responds strongly to these reactions, even one small bite can trigger you to continue sampling similar goodies. If youā€™re one of these folks, youā€™re definitely not alone, and it is important to know which foods affect you in these ways. Perhaps youā€™re a person who can have a bite of a sundae and pass the rest on to your spouse, but a fun-size candy bar can unravel your motivation and spark unhealthy choices for the rest of the day. Noting which tempting foods are your triggers can help you arrange your environment so that you donā€™t overindulge.

Rearranging your environment for success is the easiest way to change your behavior. If you do decide to indulge in a ”trigger food” in moderation, opt to eat it in a place where there aren’t any other snack options for you to munch on afterwards (a food-filled party would not be the best environment!). Choose snacks that you like, but don’t love, so you’re not tempted to eat too much but are still satisfied. Understanding which foods are likely to lead you down a slippery slope and preparing your environment and schedule for success will help you keep cravings at bay and keep your overeating under control.

Keep Cravings in Check
Cravings are a good thing. On a basic, biological level, cravings tell us when weā€™re hungry, thirsty, sleepy and even when we need some human attention. The problem is that, because weā€™re so accustomed to having easy access to eat whenever we want and weā€™re able to choose from many unhealthy foods, the ratio of our wants and needs are all out of whack! It is time to step back and become aware of what weā€™re really craving and why. When we can look objectively at our yearnings for soda, chips, cake and cookies, we can make much better decisions about what we put in our mouths.

One of the best ways to get back in touch with your true cravings is to keep track of them.Ā  For a few days, keep a journal of the time of day, what youā€™re craving, and whether youā€™re at work, at home, on the road, with your kids, etc. You can still give in to temptationā€”this exercise will simply give you a clearer picture of how often you crave, what you crave and in what settings those cravings occur.

In behavior science, before we try to change any habit, we do an assessment like this to look at the personā€™s current patterns so that we can set goals for small, stepwise changes. Youā€™ll likely notice a pattern quickly (e.g., I always want something sweet with my 10 a.m. coffee). Then you can put some measures in place to deter this craving or make a healthy choice before it happens (e.g., Iā€™ll start bringing a piece of fruit to eat with coffee so I donā€™t grab a muffin from the break room).

With a little mindfulness, you can ditch the ”good food, bad food” attitude! Plan carefully and stay in tune with your body to make sensible decisions that will satisfy your cravings and promote weight loss.

Stolen from Sparkpeople.com

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Quinoa Protein Bars

Yields: 6 bars | serving size: 1 bar | Calories: 376 | Total Fat: 13 g | Saturated Fats: 3 g | Trans Fats: 0 g | Cholesterol: 0 mg |Sodium: 3 mg | Carbohydrates: 63 g | Dietary fiber: 10 g | Sugars: 33 g | Protein: 14 g



  • 1/3 cup quinoa, pre-rinsed
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 16 whole (pitted) dates, no sugar added
  • 1/2 cup raw almonds with skin
  • 1/3 cup natural crunchy peanut butter (almond butter is an option) or try SunButter, its peanut & gluten free
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, Enjoy Life brand is gluten free
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)


NOTE: The fats in our Quinoa Protein Bars are healthy fats primarily from the almonds. The calories are mostly from the dates, which is one of nature’s sweetest foods. You will find only natural, unrefined sugars in this recipe which contains 4 SUPERFOODS–Quinoa, dates, almonds and dark chocolate.

ABOUT CALORIES: If you want to cut calories by half, simply make the bars into 12 -1″ balls and drizzle with chocolate. Only one for half the calories!

Add quinoa and water to a small sauce, cover and bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook approximately 15 minutes or until all water has been absorbed. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate at least 2 hours…overnight will work.

Using a food processor, add dates and pulse until they form a ball. Remove dates and place in a medium mixing bowl. Add almonds to the food processor and pulse until finely minced. Be careful not to turn the almonds into mill. Add dates, almonds, peanut butter and cold quinoa to the food processor and pulse until ingredients are well combined. Return ingredients to the mixing bowl, shape into 6 – 2″ x 1″ bars, about 1″ thickness. Place on a dish, refrigerate until chocolate is melted.

In a small saucepan, add chocolate chips and honey…melt over low heat or in a double-boiler. Evenly spread chocolate over the top of each protein bar, return to the refrigerator and allow chocolate to harden. Bars can be stored in an airtight container for several days.

Note: Quinoa Protein Bars are gluten free.

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Nutrition FAQ

It’s no longer a 8 week challenge but a 6 week challenge. Yes, fml.
Doesn’t matter. It’s all good. It’s like exhausting being fat. No lie, I don’t know how people do it. I am no more no less 5 to 8lbs.. I couldn’t imagine being 50+.. I really hope that whoever does read my blog, understands that you can have whatever you want. If there is a will, there is a way. But it will either take money time or discipline. It’s hard work getting a body your proud of.. whether working out or eating and gaining weight (some people don’t mind being over weight. Too each their own).. I just preach about loving yourself. If you don’t like the body you’re in.. or the person starring back from the mirror.. do something about it. Change it… Work for something you DO want… that you ARE proud of. If not.. either deal with it or keep it to yourself. being negative isn’t good for anyone..
I have been receiving a lot of emails regarding weight loss and tips and here is the basic information again. Yes it has been posted before.. but 100 something posts and 100 something followers later.. šŸ™‚ Just for a little recap/update so it’s a little fresh šŸ™‚


Here, I am just going to focus on the nutrition part of losing weight, toning ext.. It will get way to complicated and I truly feel that the eating part of this lifestyle is extremely hard to stay focus with and we end up calling it quits after a few excuses as to why you couldn’t eat healthy that day… and trust me.. I have heard EVERY excuse known to man. I don’t really care what it is.. and if you really need to come up with an excuse as some sort of validation for personal reasons, then so be it, but you’re not hurting me. Those excuses mean nothing to me. What you eat doesn’t effect me, remember that. With that being said.. this isn’t easy.. you will need to prepare (or pay extra for it to be prepared for you), and you need to be patient. The years of damage that has been done to the body (of an over weight individual) will not magically disappear over night and this is not one lesson I want to learn the hard way.
Below is a list of the foods that should be the only items in your shopping cart. Now you CAN eat. I use to be really bad about carbohydrates in the aspect of thinking they were to blame on weight gain. Now, what a little education does to someone. I recently finished a nutrition class and realized that I was doing more harm than good. I do understand and base most of my nutrition off primal blue prints idea.. with eating like our ancestors, however they don’t allow grains. Now from what I have learned from school I am going to stick with my complex carbs and allow brown rice and oatmeal. It gives me more options (I don’t really care for sweet potatoes).. and they are not processed like whole wheat bread. Anyways, I want it to be known that YOU CAN EAT CARBOHYDRATES! BUT!! Yes there is always a but! You have to use these carbs. You can’t just sit on your ass and expect it not to be stored as fat (a calorie is a calorie no matter if it comes from a protein or a carb or fat… if you over eat it will be stored and cause weight gain). The best times to eat carbs are in the morning hours..1. This way you usually have enough time (from when your up to when you go to bed. Your body burns calories just moving. From eating to brushing your teeth). 2. Your body goes thru a little “fast” when you are asleep and you need to replenish glycogen stores (if you don;t understand anything, PLEASE GOOGLE!).. Another great and should be mandatory time to eat a carbohydrate is after a work out.

What is processed food?

The United States Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Section 201, Chapter II, (gg) defines processed food as “any food other than a raw agricultural commodity and includes any raw agricultural commodity that has been subject to processing, such as canning, cooking, freezing, dehydration, or milling.” This definition establishes parameters for the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, to regulate quality and safety in the food processing industry.

“Despite these benefits, a diet exclusive in processed foods will almost certainly lead to disease. Our bodies are designed to eat natural, raw foods; thereā€™s no doubt about that. Raw foods contain beneficial enzymes and nutrients that are destroyed through processing. Just because a pill contains the ā€œnutrientsā€ of a whole shopping list of vegetables doesnā€™t mean our bodies get the same benefit as eating the vegetables themselves. Nutrients, enzymes, and other components of the foods we eat work synergistically. We really donā€™t know how well they work when theyā€™re isolated from each other, or when we ingest synthetic versions.”

“Eliminating all processed food is probably not going to happen for most of us. But we can make better food choices and supplement our diets with missing components. We can opt for the apple over the apple juice. We can choose a baked potato or salad over french fries. We can choose whole-grain bread over the white fluff that is passed off as bread. We can take the time to read food labels. Chances are, if you canā€™t pronounce it, you shouldnā€™t be eating it. We can choose processed foods with a very short list of ingredients; the longer the list, the more processing involved, and the more nutrition lost.”

Shopping List:

  • Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
  • Tuna (water packed), or White Meat Chicken (water packed)
  • Fish (tilapia, cod, halibut, and on occasion salmon and sea bass)
  • Shrimp
  • Extra Lean Ground Beef or Ground Round (92-96%)
  • Buffalo steak (lean)
  • Protein Powder (lactose free)
  • Egg Whites or Eggs
  • Rib eye Steaks or Roast
  • Top Round Steaks or Roast (aka Stew Meat, London Broil, Stir Fry)
  • Top Sirloin (aka Sirloin Top Butt)
  • Beef Tenderloin (aka Filet, Filet Mignon)
  • Top Loin (NY Strip Steak)
  • Flank Steak (Sir Fry, Fajita)
  • Eye of Round (Cube Meat, Stew Meat, Bottom Round , 96% Lean Ground Round)
  • Extra Lean Ground turkey, Turkey Breast Slices or cutlets (fresh meat, not deli cutsComplex Carbs
  • Oatmeal (Old Fashioned or Quick Oats)
  • Sweet Potatoes (Yams)
  • Beans (pinto, black, kidney)
  • Oat Bran Cereal (watch sugar, less than 6 grams)
  • Brown Rice
  • Ezekiel Bread (frozen healthy section of Krogerā€™s or Whole Foods)
  • Farina (Cream of Wheat from box)
  • Multigrain Hot Cereal
  • Pasta (Whole Wheat, Ezekiel brand ā€“ watch serving, very dense)
  • Rice (jasmine, basmati, Arborio, wild, brown)
  • Potatoes (red, baking, new)
  • Kashi Low Sugar Cereals (less than 6 grams of sugar)
  • Whole Wheat Pita (Low Carb Variety ā€“ Josephā€™s Pita Bread, or Food for Life brand)
  • Carbdown Flatbread (Wal-Mart)
  • Corn Tortillas (Food for Life Brand is best, microwave to make crispy)
  • Whole Wheat Tortillas (Food for Life brand)
  • Rice Cakes (lightly salted only)

Fibrous Carbs & Vegetables (Fresh first, frozen second, canned last choice)

  • Green Leafy Lettuce (Green Leaf, Red, Leaf, Romaine)/Bagged Salad
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • String Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Spinach
  • Bell Peppers
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Mushrooms
  • Pickles
  • Cabbage
  • Sprouts
  • Cucumber
  • Green or Red Pepper
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Spaghetti Squash (my fav)
  • Pumpkin


  • Berries (blueberries and raspberries)
  • Lemons or Limes
  • Melons (not watermelon)
  • Grapefruit
  • Apples
  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • Oranges
  • Eat bananas, strawberries, peaches or plums sparingly (lots of natural sugar)
  • No dried fruits, including raisins (loaded with sugar)

Healthy Fats

  • Natural Style or Organic Peanut Butter, even better, Peanut Wonder (Whole Foods Market)
  • Olive Oil or Safflower Oil
  • Nuts (peanuts, almonds)
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Avocado

Dairy & Eggs

  • Low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese
  • Eggs
  • Low or Non-Fat Milk (eat dairy only occasionally)
  • Non-fat yogurt (look for low sugar only)
  • Fat-free String Cheese
  • Fat-free Cream Cheese
So this isn’t bad is it? You can find some SUPER healthy yet SUPER quick to eat each day. I love stuffed green peppers, and black bean brownies. Below I am going to list a few websites where I wouldn’t be the same had I not found them via the web. They are all saving graces. The stuff these girls come up with is far beyond me but I appreciate it to the fullest. The recipes range from “paleo” to gluten to sugar free recipes (desserts, dinners ext), yet all so amazing. Again, it may take a little extra time in the morning ( I do all my cooking on sunday but yes when I am lazy I go to Whole Foods and get enough food for the day. I only recommend this because I LOVE WHOLE FOODS!!!!!! But it does get costly), but it is all for good purpose. I would hate for someone to actually be hungry.. because yet I get hungry pains (which try drinking eater first. They say your body thinks its hungry but really dehydrated. IF not at least you get a little fuller on water and will either wait a little longer to eat the next meal or will eat less if you do decide to eat).


I will add more, so check back or watch for future references.

My products and what I use..

I use Dymatize in casein (cookies and cream) and their protein powder (elite gourmet- chocolate) as well.

Myofusion (chocolate) but the ORIGINAL FORMULA not this probotic BULLSHIT- tastes like heaven. So if you can find the original Myofusion in chocolate snag it. You want to drink a healthy motherfreakin chocolate milkshake…heres your chance!

NOT THIS ONE ^ #hateyou

For peanut/almond butters try and find one with almonds as the only ingredient (be advised that these are $5 jars lol).. if you cant do that ingredients should only be peanuts or almonds, salt, and some kind of oil.

PB2 is a great peanut butter “substitute” (I guess you’d call it. It is peanuts in powdered form. WAY less calories and fat.. but you have to either use it in that form, for baking, or add water to make a paste. Tastes great though! They have plain and chocolate flavored.

Nuts ‘N More is a almond butter (they also have peanut butter), but it has whey in it.. so for 2TBS there is 14g of protein!! and it really does taste amazing. They have plain and chocolate in both PB and almond butter as well.

P28 breads– In love. Nothing else I can say. Both items (sandwich bread and bagels) taste great, but the bagels are by far my favorite. It’s bread with 28 grams of protein..yep. and the bagel toasted….so.fucking.good.omg.

QUEST BARS– A “dieters” saving grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not even kidding.. I am totally surprised this isn’t listed first (not that any of these products are in any type of order, it’s just these are AMAZING). They come in a wide variety of flavors and all are amazing, however some taste better warm (like the brownie one.. add some pb HOLY FUCK!).. but they make you smile. *Try to stick with the original line and not the natural ones (the natural ones have more sugar alcohols meaning more empty carbohydrates).

Larabars– These are great but should be eaten in the morning or if you really just need a sweet treat. They are made with dates and cashews or whatever they decide to come up with. My favorite is the chocolate chip cookie dough.

Most of these items you can find on: http://www.muscularinsider.com
The specialty products (like the nuts n more) can only be purchased via their online store.

Making sure you have healthy snacks around at all times is super important. I always get random urges to eat unhealthy (usually when someone brings snacks around, or the smell of pizza masks the room during lunch), and if I have something to snack on or keep my mind at ease, it’ll hold me over.
But in the end if you eat something shitty or overeat.. move on. Life is too short to give up altogether because of a few extra calories. Go work them off if they bug you that badly, but youre okay! I promise. Don’t allow food to control you. You are your own responsibility.

My food schedule 101:

I eat an hour after I wake up.
I eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
I eat a carbohydrate only in the AM hours, and after my work out ONLY (Unless its a cheat meal).
I eat a protein in every meal.
I don’t skimp on fats either (but again I don’t track my macros. I become way too obsessed, so I eat when I want).
If I want it I have it.
No processed foods. No fast food. No added sugar products.
Cheat meals are once a week (Cheat MEAL not cheat DAY.. huge difference and a day full of bad eating will set you back at least a week worth of progress… so.not.worth.it). Ā 
I am not afraid to eat. If I want something I have it. Everything in moderation is key. You can still live and do the things you want to do and eat the things you watt to eat but you have to be smart about it. If you want to eat extra food or more calories then a normal day just know that you are going to have to work it off or don’t eat it. Unless you really don’t care then you probably shouldn’t be reading this blog in the first place.
I am becoming a little space case and can’t think of anything else that I have been emailed about or useful information.
This is what I know and what I know works for ME. I have been a personal trainer for aw file and have trained clients and aided in their weight loss. I know that a calorie is a calorie and a pound of FAT is 3500 calories. You do the math. If you don’t work out and over eat…. yes the pounds will be a packin lack in! And weight gain (unless is muscle) sucks dick!!!!!!!! That and it totally takes more time to take it off as it does putting it on. #smh.
Plain and simple.. stop eating junk, processed and fast food (the ingredients should be wholesome natural organic and less than 10 ingredients if it is so called “processed”).
Eat to live; don’t live to eat, every in moderation, and be patient šŸ™‚

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I can feel it getting better :)

It’s Tuesday.. meaning no where near the weekend, and I am okay with that. I feel my best on the weekends though šŸ™‚ No one expects anything from me Friday night thru Sunday so I can’t disappoint.
I am one lazy motherfucker.
Ā && I have yet to workout (see.. point proven).
..NOR can I remember the last time I binged or exceeded my daily calorie limit!!!!!! fuck yes!!!!
I have been giving myself what I want, and when I do that I almost don’t even want ALL of it (this makes sense because if anyone is familiar with binging.. you eat till you feel sick. Now I don’t even finish these “dirty” foods.. Amazing how the brain works..When I am not allowed to eat something (during contest prep), this is when I want it the most. AND I DON’T GIVE UP TILL I GET IT! and when I get it I want more. I want more that second. I want more the next day. Vicious cycle, yeah?
Besides a downward spiral.. my insides start hating me. (TMI) but I spend a lot of time on the toilet the MINUTE I eat something shitty.. learn my lesson any time soon? Possibly…… HOPEfully.
So yeah, I actually don’t mind my body right now.. yes it could be better but without working out (and paying attention to what I put into my mouth) has actually done wonders. Again, it makes me FEIGN for the gym lol.
I think I am ready to go back today šŸ™‚
Oh shoulders. How I miss you..
I’ll start posting work outs and my food log starting tomorrow.. Just wanted to update this little old blog šŸ˜‰ lmao.. I really wish I could finally get a comfortable feel for this thing but I cant. I am thinking WAY to hard into writing sometimes.. I am not trying to impress anyone.. though I KNOW CERTAIN PEOPLE ARE READING IT!!! haha.. again.. another work in progress..
One thing I want to mention.. From my instagram (maristheshit) I get a lot of traffic from people with questions or comments.. PLEASE feel free to emailĀ  me:


With anything that may pop up.. Feedback.. Questions about diet or training.. Anything.
..La de da… I made stuffed green peppers last night.. ADD

Stuffed Green Peppers


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 cup uncooked long grain white rice
  • 1 cup water
  • 6 green bell peppers
  • 2 (8 ounce) cans tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
Ā Directions
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Place the rice and water in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and cook 20 minutes. In a skillet over medium heat, cook the beef until evenly browned.
  3. Remove and discard the tops, seeds, and membranes of the bell peppers. Arrange peppers in a baking dish with the hollowed sides facing upward. (Slice the bottoms of the peppers if necessary so that they will stand upright.)
  4. In a bowl, mix the browned beef, cooked rice, 1 can tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Spoon an equal amount of the mixture into each hollowed pepper. Mix the remaining tomato sauce and Italian seasoning in a bowl, and pour over the stuffed peppers.
  5. Bake 1 hour in the preheated oven, basting with sauce every 15 minutes, until the peppers are tender.

Taken from Allrecipes.com

So I copped this recipe from allrecipes.com.. I think it was the first one that popped up. However I knew the idea behind it.. I just didn’t know the temp times and what not. I didn’t add the Worcestershire Sauce or Italian seasoning but a taco seasoning instead from Whole Foods. I used Ground Beef AND Ground Turkey and forgot (or didnt know to do) the last step… lol.. I think they were talking about the grease from the meat..that I poured out. Hmm.. However.. I have yet to try them.. but I tried the stuffing part and it was AMAZING. Ate 1/2 of the leftovers last night, and saved some to fill a pita pocket (Ezekiel) that I got from Whole Foods last night. Excited.

Sorry about the last picture I didn’t want to take the time to crop it lol. && The last picture was before I put the cheese on it and before it was put into the oven (they actually looked liked shit when they came out haha).. but I am super excited to try them out today šŸ™‚
Will update a little more tomorrow hopefully.
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Birthday Body!

So.. it’s 2 months till my birthday, and I think I am going to do a little 8 week “challenge“.
..considering it has officially been 4 weeks since my bikini competition and I look like I shouldn’t be in one, lol. I figured this is a great way to start contest prep (I will start training for competition the week after my birthday), but I want to feel fucking fantastic for my birthday šŸ™‚
..nothing too strenuous, nothing too life changing. Just a simple 8 week BIRTHDAY BODY challenge, YEP!!!
It will consist of:
1-2 cheat meals.
6 training days, 5 cardio days, and 1 off day.
1 yoga, 3x sauna.
It will NOT consist of:
Added salt.
Added sugar.
Energy Drinks.
or Processed Foods (except Cheat Meals).
Pot Smoking <– (I KNOW!.. ugh!).
This is something that everyone can do. It’s simple yet SO effective. I took a before picture so I can track my progress. I don’t know if I’ll do a weekly progress shot but definitely before and after. Just watch what a few simple tricks can do for someone. Yes I am not “fat” or overweight by any means but 1. this will kick start ANY ones progress, and 2. you will feel fantastic! No joke.
The easiest thing to do is to just start by taking 1 thing away at a time. See how you adjust. See how you feel hour to hour, day to day. If you want to change your life, you have to understand it will NOT happen in a day. So take your time and be patient. If you want something enough, there will always be a way to get it.


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Tequila Tuesday!

Okay, no tequila for me.. but for the guys at work it is!

on a different note..

I feel like I had a lot to say (and was excited to say it) but now I don’t remember any of it. Maybe because I am going back and forth with some jerk off via my work email. Told me I have “no right to be answering phones” because in the end of it all, we figured out hes asking the wrong company (us) for money. Now that’s my fault how? lol

Any who FINALLY FUCKING SORE!!! Hell fucking yes! Legs last night were KILLER. Literally shaking, then cramping so I couldn’t go as heavy as I’d like on the leg ext. No big deal. Completed 30 min of cardio though šŸ™‚ Oh! I think the next blog or two is going to be about my eating schedule (macros broken down), but also with all the products I use and which companies ext. I find a lot of cool shit on the internet (because I have nothing better to do), and I shop online ALL day.

The Food Log

9am PBJ Quest Bar
12pm Chopped salad with grilled chicken from Portillos
3pm Chicken and Mix Veggies
6pm Hmmm.. I brought Ezekiel pasta with ground turkey burger… but I don’t know how I feel about this being a pre work out meal.. hmmm…
9pm (Post Work out meal) 1 slice of Ezekiel bread, Greek yogurt, and almond butter
12pm Casein Shake

(Had one last night too. I knew I’d be up later then 9pm lol).

The Work Out


Super excited for back today. I wanted to get it as close to Quad day as possible (you use your back in most exercises pertaining to you hamstrings, so I don’t want to be sore when it’s time to lift them!!)

Focusing on form, and engaging the core. KEEP YOUR CORE TIGHT! If you constantly thinking about keeping your belly button towards your spine, your posture will better and your core WILL strengthen.

Lat Pull down

Unilateral Row
4 sets of 10-12 till failure


5 sets
Max 15 reps. Up weight as needed.

ABBBBBBSSSSS (Can’t wait for these babies to be back!)

Recipe of the day:

From ChocolateCoveredKatie’s blog (I love her)!

1 Minute Coffee Cake

For the batter:

  • 3 tbsp spelt flour (or white. For gf: a commenter had success withĀ 1Ā tbsp rice flour and 2Ā tbsp almond flour.)
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/16 tsp salt
  • 1 stevia packet (or 1/32 tsp pure) or 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tablespoon plus 2 tsp water
  • 2 tsp oil or melted margarine or applesauce (I prefer the oil/margarine, but thatā€™s simply because Iā€™m not a fan of fat-free baked goods.)
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract

For the streusel: (If you like a lot of streusel, feel free to double all ingredients below.)

  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 and 1/4 tsp sucanat or brown sugar
  • 1/4 to 1/2 tsp oil or melted margarine (once again, use applesauce if a fat-free version is desired)
  • tiny, tiny pinch salt
  • 2 pecan halves (or walnut halves)

(If using an oven, preheat to 330 F.) Combine batter dry ingredients and mix well. Add wet and mix until just mixed. In a tiny bowl, combine all streusel ingredients. Fill a greased muffin tin 1/2 way with the batter (or a ramekin or mug, if using the microwave). Sprinkle on two-thirds of the streusel, then spoon the remaining batter on top. Finally, sprinkle on the rest of the streusel. Cook 12-13 minutes in the oven, or around 1 minute in the microwave. (Microwave times may vary.)

Super fucking excited to try this recipe. I won’t make it till this weekend but for all of you lovies, here it is! This is what I NEEDED!!!! I could eat a whole coffee cake from Corner Bakery. Wow. Let’s google it and actually see the nutrition facts:

One slice of Corner Bakery’s Coffee Cake has 770 Calories 310 Calories from fat, a whopping 108 grams of carbs and 61 grams of sugar. Holy Fuck. And to think I wouldn’t. LOL.. Would not think TWICE about going back for seconds or even thirds. No lie there.

Sad huh? I think when I start thinking about things in a “bigger picture” type way, I see it differently. I have seen myself do this lately with money, but lets keep it weight related.Ā  A pound of fat is 3500 calories. If I were to consume roughly 4 and 1/2 pieces of Corner Bakery’s Coffee Cake, that would equal 3500 calories. Now this isn’t taking into consideration other food you MAY consume, or exercise. So if you eat more after those 5 pieces, and decide you don’t want to work out, watch the lbs add on quickly!

..and to think I use to eat 2 or 3 candy bars in A SITTING! Literally a king size twix, maybe a 500 calorie brownie here, an oreo milkshake there. Holy. Fuck. My mom was right. I SHOULD weigh 200+ lbs. Unbelievable. And now I have to “punish” myself to get where I SHOULD be. I shouldn’t look/feel this way. I feel fucking GROSS!

šŸ˜¦ Subject change please!!!!!!

I like nice people. lol. Honestly, niceness goes along way. I just had to take a car over to alignment a few blocks from here. A little miscommunication and technically I was stranded there. I called Mike to come grab me but he wasnt answering. Ron just told me to go. Like kinda yelled then told me to wait then was like GO GO GO .. okay. So I went. He was like.. youre dropping the car right? nope.. I was by myself.. so the owner was like just take my car (knowing my boss he would of been like, I told you to drop it off.”.. but he really didnt. But see? He didnt need to do that. What a geniunely NICE guy. I miss you guys.. where did you all go?

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