Tag Archives: fat

Tuesday 16/83 (1/23)

First work out back since the weekend and I started with Arms (biceps and triceps).. I was actually feeling a little sore after a few sets.

Seated Bicep Curls (25lbs each) super setted with standing hammer curls till failure (15lbs each).

Tricep Pushdowns (increased weight, ending at 70lbs)

Abs for 5 sets

Preacher Curls (actually loved these)

& ended with Weighted Tricep Dips

I also did 15 minutes of the stairs but have been thinking about dropping cardio in half like I did today, or completely taking it out for a few weeks. I have been dropping weight but I still have quite a bit of time and don’t want to risk losing my ass (I honestly think its gotten smaller). I think if I decided to do cardio I can only do the stairs (which sucks because the stairs are getting harder). Later on down the road I might add in a little cycling but I will know in a couple weeks.

Food wise I am still consuming a lot of carbs. I want to keep as much muscle as possible (again, PLEASE DON’T BE SCARED OF CARBS!!!!! It’s processed, sugar added foods you should worry about).

My diet right now consists of Oatmeal (in my protein shakes), Brown Rice and Brown Rice Pasta (and some whole wheat bread here and there).
Ground Turkey, Chicken, some Red Meat and Protein shakes.
All sorts of veggies but have been consuming broccoli for the most part.
Strawberries Bananas Oranges.
Almonds, Coconut and Flaxseed (for fats).

In about a month, I will take my carbs down a bit and some of the fruit I have been eating (fruit = sugar). In that time I will also up my cardio when it is due.

So far, so good (knock on wood).

Will post progress pictures up soon.

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So instead of my rants and raves I’ve decided to actually write something worth reading.. something a lot of people are wondering about.. something a lot of people don’t understand. Carbohydrates.

The reason for this post was because of last nights creep session. I was scrolling thru my instagram feed and saw a post a girl wrote and in the comments she wrote about how she stops eating carbs after 3pm and to stay away from bananas. Now.. let one thing be clear, we are ALL different and so are our bodies. So yes, what may be good for me may not be good for you. With that being said, all I want to do is enlighten one regarding carbohydrates.

A few years ago when I started personal training, I instantly began to research and ask questions. Everything from a training routine to different diets. Obviously Google is one of my best friends, but everything you read on the internet isn’t always entirely true and can be very misleading. However, any information was better than no information. So I took to researching, writing and printing all the information I found that would be useful. At this point I started training for my first bikini contest. I decided to do it on my own with no trainer like they suggest. I figured I had this shit down. Little did I know.. that I knew very little.

The closer I got to the show, the less foods I was “told” to consume. Carrots, for example, became off-limits and I started forming really bad habits. I barely ate carbs and consumed about double the recommended protein for my body weight. I worked out 6 days a week and was up to 90 minutes of cardio everyday. I was moody, tired, and my work outs began slacking. I was always used to forbidding food (I was anorexic at one time, turned into bulimia and then binge eating after my first competition), so categorizing foods as good and bad was nothing new.

It wasn’t until my second contest prep where I sought the help of a new found figure competitor at the gym I was working at. She tried explaining that in order to “grow” I needed these good carbs. Good Carbs? There is such a thing? Yes, yes there is.

Don’t be misled by fad diets that make blanket pronouncements on the dangers of carbohydrates. They provide the body with fuel it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function, and they are an important part of a healthy diet. But some kinds of carbohydrates are far better than others.

Choose the best sources of carbohydrates—whole grains (the less processed, the better), vegetables, fruits and beans—since they promote good health by delivering vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a host of important phytonutrients.  Skip the easily digested refined carbohydrates from refined grains—white bread, white rice, and the like— as well as pastries, sugared sodas, and other highly processed foods, since these may contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss, and promote diabetes and heart disease.

Not all carbohydrates are created equal and there is a glycemic index (please google) for that:

The glycemic index, or glycaemic index, (GI) provides a measure of how quickly blood sugar levels (i.e. levels of glucose in the blood) rise after eating a particular type of food. The effects that different foods have on blood sugar levels vary considerably. The glycemic index estimates how much each gram of available carbohydrate (total carbohydrate minus fiber) in a food raises a person’s blood glucose level following consumption of the food, relative to consumption of pure glucose.[1] Glucose has a glycemic index of 100.

Now, I don’t want to confuse anyone. I know it can get that way at times, but I HIGHLY suggest you do your research. Again, what may work for you may not work for another. The reason I really wanted to get this out there is because I was misinformed. I stopped eating carbohydrates altogether. I labeled CARROTS as a BAD food for goodness sakes! You live and learn but I also learned the hard way.

As your primary fuel source, carbohydrates are important to your body. If you hope to perform to your potential during athletic activity, you must adjust your carb intake to match your energy output — too many carbs can lead to fat gain, and too few carbs can leave you sluggish and fatigued. That said, it is important to gradually self-adjust until you find the amount that works best for you and your workout.

So don’t go crazy.. EAT the GOOD carbohydrates. It’s the “bad” ones that you need to stay away from. The ones that are heavily processed and full of sugar. THAT’S what you should be “scared” of. Not bananas because their high in sugar (yes bananas are one of the highest sugar/carb count but they are FULL of nutrients). I would never completely take out a wholesome food from my diet. Instead, I know that eating a banana early in the morning gives me the best chance to be able to use its nutrients instead of being stored as “fat” (sugar IS sugar), or after a workout where my body will utilize it. It is all about understanding foods not giving up on them.

Here is a great article from live strong that I will leave you with:

Some popular diets such as the Atkins diet demonize carbohydrates, claiming that eating carbohydrates leads to weight gain. The Merck manual says carbohydrates are a very important part of a person’s diet because they provide energy to the body. While some carbohydrates are very healthy, others may, in fact, lead to weight gain. It is important to understand the distinction between refined carbohydrates and unrefined carbohydrates.

Refined and Unrefined

The Merck manual explains that refined carbohydrates are highly processed. The fiber and many nutrients in refined carbohydrates have been stripped out. Refined carbohydrates–such as white bread, cake and candy–are essentially empty calories, which may lead to excess weight gain. Unrefined carbohydrates–such as brown rice, fruits and vegetables–contain fiber and many vitamins and minerals. They tend to stabilize blood sugar levels and promote a healthy weight.

Whole Grains

Whole grains include 100 percent whole wheat bread, whole grain barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, quinoa, oats and corn. The National Institutes of Health recommends that 40 percent to 60 percent of a person’s diet come from carbohydrates, mostly unrefined carbohydrates containing whole grains. Whole grains include all three parts of the grain: the bran, endosperm and germ. Each part has distinct nutritional benefits.


Fruits such as bananas, apples and berries are simple carbohydrates in that they are digested fairly quickly by the body. Fruits are unrefined, though, so they contain many important nutrients. Fruits are considered to be a good carbohydrate because they are packed with vitamins and minerals and have fiber to help you feel full.


Beans, lentils, dried peas and peanuts are all examples of legumes, which are good carbohydrates according to the Merck manual because they contain protein to help you feel full. They are also full of fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals. The many nutritional benefits and the fact that they are unrefined make legumes a healthy carbohydrate choice.

Bad Carbohydrates

The category of white carbohydrates encompasses many different foods such as white bread, white rice and white pasta. These foods are considered to be bad carbohydrates, which should be limited in a healthy diet. The National Institutes of Health says refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice may increase the risk of diabetes and lead to weight gain.


Any foods that contain sugar–such as candy, chocolates, cake, muffins and cookies–are refined carbohydrates. These foods are bad carbohydrates that should be limited because they have no nutritional value whatsoever. They provide empty calories, and the National Institutes of Health says empty calories from refined carbohydrates may lead to obesity.

Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Enjoy eating healthy, google recipes, eat wholesome foods and get moving and I promise your life can change. It’s hard at first but is so worth it. Just educate yourself don’t just listen to someone because their in “great shape”. Trust me, starving yourself will make you lose weight but is far from healthy.
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Fishing is an off season bikini competitor’s hobby..

.. and why it’ll make me fat.

1. Only way I have patience is when drunk.

  • Alcohol makes you fat.

2. When you go cat fishing you’re drunk late at night. Late night munchies in Wisconsin = bar food.

  • Bar food tastes great when drunk.

3. I’m one lazy mother ——.

  • Perfect.


Yep. I caught this.

but to hell if I’d touch it.


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**** yeah.

So I know it’s only Wednesday but I am already excited for the weekend.. Regardless I still have a few days to go, so I suppose I should enjoy now, well.. right now!
Well first things first.. Yesterday was officially my first day back (in the gym) in 5 days! It didn’t go as planned but I still felt exhausted after it. People kept staring and my clothes were too tight.. and it was fucking hot.. and I was only getting hotter lol.. So I ended up just doing 3 or 4 shoulder exercises. Went as heavy as I could though.. So that is always a plus. I do want to mention to  jlgentry that I did a mile in just under 14 minutes (granted the first 2 minutes I walked).. but I started getting bad cramps .85 of a mile in lol.. At that point I knew I wasn’t going to handle going for much longer.. but a mile was SO CLOSE!! So I kept going.. Had too ..Pain is temporary –> failure is forever –> failure only occurs when you give up  = Don’t give up.… Right?
..any who.. I finished and walked on an incline for the remainder of the time. BUT I DID IT!! haha.. Yeah I could of probably kept going but I was trying to focus on anything but these damn cramps. My right calf started first, which I could handle.. but the stomach cramps are the worst.
Besides the gym, I have been doing really good with my eating. However like I mentioned in an earlier post that I am allowing myself whatever I want. I know the consequence.. and if I want it that badly, ill deal with it later. But for right now… it is working PERFECTLY! I am even starting to see my top two abs again (FUCKYEAHWHATUP!) and again, haven’t been to the gym in a week 🙂 So… with that being said I had 2 chocolate chip cookies last night. Lmfao. I was only going to have one but my mom randomly barged in my room and brought 3 more in for dude and I.. (awkward).. but I ate another one but left one (yes.. you read that right.. I LEFT A FUCKING COOKIE UNEATEN! Unfuckingreal. lol). I didn’t really think twice like I normally would. I remember years ago when I was working at  X Sport Fitness.. My mom had made cookies and I ate one.. or two probably.. okay 3 or 4 knowing me.. and immediately I went to the gym to burn it off. Fuck that. Never again do I want to be like that. Talk about hating yourself and I was fucking ruthless.
So I wanted to find a healthy PB cookie recipe.. and while I’ve been excited about the weekend and getting back into cooking and baking and shit, I saw on CCK’s blog a recipe for skinny vanilla cupcakes. They looked so cute unfrosted.. see:
Skinny Vanilla Cupcakes

(makes 9-10 cupcakes)

Or click if you’d prefer: Chocolate Cupcakes.

  • 1 cup spelt flour, or white flour, or Arrowhead Mills gf mix (145g)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp ener g powder (or 1 flax or chia egg)
  • 4 tbsp xylitol or sugar (54g)
  • 2 Nunatural stevia packets (or 2 extra tbsp sugar)
  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt of choice (Silk or SoDelicious both work) (230g)
  • 1/4 cup milk of choice (subtract 2 tbsp if using the flax or chia egg) (60g)
  • 3 tbsp coconut or veg oil (can omit, but the cupcakes will be a bit gummy) (36g)

Preheat oven to 350 F, and grease muffin tins. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl, and mix very well. In a separate bowl, combine all wet ingredients and stir. Pour wet into dry, and mix until just combined (don’t overmix). Cook 18-20 minutes, then let sit at least 10 before removing from muffin tins.

Okayyyy so they still look fanfuckingtastic.. but what about with Reese’s Frosting from CCK?
Reese’s Pieces Frosting

(Yields almost 1/2 cup)

  • 1/4 cup peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • 4-8 tsp pure maple syrup (click for a sugar-free alternative)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 4 tsp milk of choice (or more for thinner frosting)
  • 3/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • optional: handful of chocolate chips (the “pieces”)

Blend everything (including chips, if using) in a small food processor or Magic Bullet. If you have a bigger processor, it might be best to double the recipe so everything blends more smoothly. Best to store uneaten frosting covered in the fridge.

Or what about making my own cool whip.. Hey have I ever mentioned this before? Leave a open can of full fat coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight.. scoop the clear liquid off the top.. add vanilla.. coconut shreds (if you wish) and stevia..blend.. and there you have whipped cream!!!
Now do you see why I am so excited?
Oh.. another reason I am excited.. I AM NOW A SPONSORED ATHLETE FOR A NUTRITION COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell yeah.  Will go into further detail a bit later..
Life is going and I’m going with it..with a huge (mother) fucking smile on my face.
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Pointless late night post.

So it’s 10:42pm on Saturday night. I don’t remember (nor have I put much work into finding out) what time I fell asleep at…. but it sure as hell wasn’t just a catnap like I told him. Yes I will refer to him as him as if you know who he is. Just go along with it. Names have to be withheld. Too many creeps.
So yeah. I was going to get chipotle but I am so glad I passed out. I can only imagine how bloated I would of felt. Dude. I jiggle again. I am probably 3 solid months worth of training. LOL.. yes I just measured my weight loss by how quickly it can be lost. Ugh. This time a scale may be needed. That and I will need to start writing my shit down. When it all comes down to it yes weight loss is a science. Pretty much, calories in vs calories out. That is the EASIEST (quickest, simplest ext ext) way of explaining HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT. If you know and understand that.. like Albert Einstein once said..


Burn more calories (via exercise/movement) then you consume (ingest = eat).
..& I think writing it all down and literally calculating all my macronutrients, will be fool proof. 😉
I have always been really weird with my work outs though. For the most part I am pretty much on with my reps and sets when I write them down in the work out part of the blog. However there are some times when I do do more one set or I may do 2 less the next set. But let it be known that I 85-90% always go to FAILURE. I try and push myself, and to continous go till my comfort zone. Yes this may not be correct in any way shape or form but I have been pushed to anxiety attacks over rep numbers, not being able to get a higher weight then last week, even looking in the mirror has sent me home. Even worse? I have cried at the incline leg press before.. lol. Fucked up.
Anyways I didn’t mean to get into that.. but I just remembered the common questions I have been recently asked.
Lets move on to the real reason I even wanted to randomly start blogging at 11 at night.
I hate myself right now. Yes hate is a strong word and I don’t feel like pressing the delete button or moving my mouse and rewriting the sentence (so yes I will just continue to write even more lol therefore taking up more time when I really could of just rewrote the sentence and now I can’t stop writing).. haha.. I am jiggling literally as the laptop rests upon my legs (think laying in bed, lap top on quads on a 45 degree angle) gosh Im retarded. okay but literally i am jiggling. and before when I was downstairs I realized how soft I am lol. FUCK.
Listen I have NOT been at the gym in about 2 weeks. Not to mention I have not given A FUCK what has gone in my mouth recently…………. lol
but really its sad. I am so uncomfortable these days and TODAY I got my period = (besides TMI) MAJOR BLOAT + MAJOR MENS. PAINS = 😦
Everything sucks. I haven’t started this month off right but I promise as you are reading this, whoever and ALL who you are, I  promise tomorrow will be different. I suppose not for anyone else but myself but I want to be held accountable. Him and I set a short term goal of 4 weeks (so until July 4) to do a few things differently for ourselves and I really want to hold true to that. I really think we can ALL do what we put our minds too..but I think sometimes people don’t always see the long term goal or reward and just give up for the “time being”.. but overall you will change things about you that you want to change when your ready. No one should be faulted for that. Its been 6 months since I quit smoking cigarettes and that was a personal choice. I should have even weeks ago but I secretly liked to smoke :/
Honeslty I don’t even feel that much different, or even the added benefits lol but I think I soley based my choice to quit that it simply wasn’t healthy. And deep down thats a huge personal goal of mine. I know a lot of things I still do aren’t, but I want to change that. So, be the change you wish to see in the world, right?
Easier said then done.
I’m excited for tomorrows blog btw.
Food prep and my first (of many) leg work outs back from my “fat staycation”. I am going to be so fucking sore this week its going to suck. And now after all that zombie bullshit I am a little weary on taking my salt bathes after work outs. Fuck that shit. UNREAL.
I cannot stay focused for the life of me.
Yeah.. I don’t know if this blog had a point or not.
So hopefully I already made one because I just got tired again…

..So goodnight ❤

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Post Competition: First Day Back!

Oh wow.

Probably should of rethought my first workout and possibly of done something else rather then legs lol. I have been stoked to get back in the gym and sometimes doing legs actually frustrates me. I don’t know what it is but whenever I go super heavy (which is all the time btw) I psych myself out. I really do need to find a spotter or someone to work out with that likes to go HAM! because I am kinda over the whole training people while I work out…. I want a KICK ASS workout 365! Hmmmmm I may possibly look into getting a personal trainer for myself, maybe once a week, just to rev things up.. kick my ass.. ext ext…. It gets expensive but having someone there and pushing you I feel is usually 75% better then being alone. That, and you get some extra knowledge! Personal training is something that requires a lot of information to be studied and I think it possibly will always be continuous. Meaning, since everyones body is different and we experience a lot of daily habits and we are now prone to numerous different types of dieases, that we will always need to continue our education in this field to stay up to par. Personal training isn’t just looking good and copying and pasting each work out for each individual client…. It is more then that (and quite frankly if your trainer doesn’t tailor your work outs, dump em.. no joke).

Ok I have no idea why I just rambled on about that.. which I think was actually about nothing. Cool.


The Food Log:

9am Green Smoothie that tasted like complete dick. I threw in a piece of pineapple and 1/4 of a banana (banana masks ANY taste), and a scoop of strawberry banana whey (didn’t have vanilla), and it still tasted like ass. I think I put too much “green superfood” in……….. but it was disgusting.

12pm 6oz Steak w/ 2oz Whole Wheat pasta with a slice of watermelon and 2/3 grapefruit 🙂

3pm Greek Yogurt

730pm Chicken and Veggies

9-2am– 4 cheese stix and 4 drinks. lol. fuck.

The Work Out:

Hack Squat 3x 90lbs
2x 110lbs

Calf Raises supersetted with Wall Sits

3x 50lbs w/ 30 sec wall sit

Front Squat

3x 10x 50

Planks- Completely half assed them.

Leg Ext

1 x 10 x 80lbs
1 x 10 x 95lbs
2 x 8-10 x 110lbs

Yeah I could NOT walk…. I can only imagine what I looked like.. lol. Today I am just hanging around. Life is started to get back to normal and I am super excited for my adventures in the gym in the next couple of months. I have a feeling I will be in the best shape of my life 🙂 Will start carb cycling after my birthday and actually pretty excited about that too haha! Everything else is kind of whatever. I am trying to get organized and all that shit, however my sister came home from college for a month and completely destroyed my room. I don’t have a place to put my shoes in my closet and for some reason finding a lot of clothes I never wore in the hamper… hmm.. Other then that, just taking life one day at a time. I put on some weight which I am learning to accept each day, but I know in the back of my head that in about a month I will be right back to where I was, and on a better road to being ripped. I will get there. Mark my word.

On to progress pics.. Should I do an entire blog, soley on the pictures or….. hmmmm.. lets see how much room it takes.. I’ll begin to upload the pics… lol… gotta love my procrastinating ass!

Okay I just posted all my progress pictures. You wanna see what I ate for this entire week????? Watch this shit..

Chocolate Dipped Cookie Dough

Buffalo Wild Wings

Driving to meet up for ice-cream.

Patiently waiting…….


Oreo filling flavored icecream, with oreos and PB cups ❤

Craving subway? Had 3 cookies too btw.. eat fresh bitches!

Shots @ Tommy’s for a going away party..

Taco Burrito King!!!!

Me all gay like.

Red Mango- Frozen Yogurt with oreo, brownie, and strawberries!

ONE MORE WOD! Check em out! Thanks for the shizzzz ❤

…coldstone……again.. lol same thing but with 2 oreos, a pb cup and a brownie lol.

&& this is what I look like because of this week long food-cation:

Sorry it was a screenshot via Instagram


So. As you can see I put on a little big of weight. For the next 4 weeks I will be having one or two cheat meals a week and continue to lift as heavy as I can. It will take me a solid 3 weeks to get back to how I was and I am perfectly ok with that! I have had SO much fun this last week, that the extra weight really doesn’t bother me. However I do continusouly feel like shit when I eat shit (coincidence? I think not). I am so ready for this.

oh btw..

maristheshit @ instagram 😉

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My Burden is Easing.

She won’t make a sound
Alone in this fight with herself and the fears whispering if she stands she’ll fall down
She wants to be found
The only way out is through everything she’s running from wants to give up and lie down.
So stand in the rain
Stand your ground

This is my brand new day starting now
I let go the things that weigh me down
And rob me of the beauty that’s to be found
And life all around
And this is my prayer without ceasing, the negative releasing
And as I rise above, my burden is easing

I am almost ready to get back in the gym again. I am stocking up on all my lovely products (Quest Bar, Myofusion, and Dymatize Protein Powders..Still have to get Nuts n’ more and PB2). It is super nice not worrying about morning cardio or your meals every 2 or 3 hours on the hour.. (yes I will continue to eating hourly but these last few days Ive just focused on when I am hungry.. which hasn’t been often because I feel like I am permanently bloated from the last few days of cheats haha)..
  1. Progress Pictures WILL be up shortly.. I just wanted to find a cool way of doing it but that was a fail and now I am just using an excuse to validate my procrastination.
  2. Recipes/ Workouts/ Food Log will be posted like prior format Monday (21st).
  3. I want my pinterest account shown on my homepage.. possible?
How do I feel? I feel fat. I have eaten whatever I wanted for the last 3 and 1/2 days and I just feel it weighing me down. I have taken this week and actually have been really enjoying myself. I have 3 months till my birthday and I want to look PROUD. Yes, proud. It took 3 months for me to get where I am now and I just know that the next 3 months in the gym are going to be SICK.. haha.. I don’t think you understand how excited I am for life to be in the happy lane.. .lol. I am a dork (I actually hate this word.. and I seem to get called it a lot….. not to mention a dork is a whale’s penis but its like so.. innocent.. not innocent but geeky? lol).. whatever.. but in all honestly I am ready to live life happy is all I meant by that weird ass sentence..
But yes this week I have been super relaxed and completely stress free. Yes I still obsess about the fact that I now “jiggle” lmfao.. but I am embracing it. Everyone knows what I’ve been through and have been SUPER cool about everything and by everything I mean about me binging.. IN PUBLIC!! hahahahaha no joke. This is super unhealthy by the way, but I was literally forcing food in me. Not even just unhealthy but rather disgusting lol. But its been fun (and super uncomfortable). I have been to some really cool places and have had a smile on my face since this past weekend. It’s lovely 🙂
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT all this food and every last minute of the sugar high and prego bloat is NOT worth looking in the mirror and LOVING what you see when you stand there naked. No joke. It may or may not mean a lot to you guys, and that’s most likely because you have never actually been completely satisfied, but it changes things. (Not to forget that busting ass in the gym is rewarding yes, but most of the time it SUCKS and it’s PAINFUL and it takes what seems like a really fucking LONG TIME to show sings of progress!!!) The confidence and security you gain is magical. I have been fighting for YEARS, and I can’t say I won or found some cure but I found happiness. There are still so many aspects of my life I want to change but loving myself was first.
&& Thank you everyone for the sweet sweettttt comments.  I get super cheesy and emotional ALL the time, but I’ll say it again.. I appreciate everyone who takes their time to read what I blatantly don’t proofread or filter out and still find a positive message within.. and comment with a compliment. I smile so much when I see my email filled with people who found some sort of peace when reading my rants. I really do want to extend my hand and offer anyone help in anyway that I possibly can.. please feel free to email me at anytime:


We’ll all get there one day. Faith my friends.
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Day 93- 3 days left..

Wednesday, May 9th…

Woke up fat. No joke.

NO idea where my abs went. Possibly the more carbs I had yesterday due to a leg workout? UGH.

so guess what I did, I googled that shit.

Found the same shit I already knew, drink more water, sweat ext ext.. Did see something about preparation- H.. so I got it. Lmao. I am so bad. Do not follow what I do just yet.. the point of the cream is to apply it prior or cardio so it secretes the fluid out of that area…… *CROSSES FINGERS* *PRAYS* *BLOWS OUT A CANDLE* pleassssssssseeeeeeeeeee work..

I’ve had enough. 3 days. I can do this.

All I want is to finish this contest prep.. EAT like crap for 24 hours, then get back to my normal lifestyle. I want to eat fruit without guilt. I want to EAT TO GROW AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!! I know I’ll lose my abs for a few days but I don’t care. You should see me at the gym late at night.. I am practically SLEEPING!!! I am trying so hard, then I beat myself up over the fact that it was possibly a shitty fucking workout. I need balance in my life. Balance and forgiveness, especially for oneself.

Alright so yesterday after my never ending work day I headed over to Taylor’s Salon after I walked Marley and ate really quick.. (@La Flavia Salon in IL).. I waited around for a bit, for her to finish with her last client then I was next! She ended up cutting about 4 inches off.. dry cut and everything. It. Looks. Awesome. Anyways after we were chit chatting.. she thought she was going to dye it as well.. well obviously a miscommunication.. haha.. so I am going back tomorrow (Thursday) for her to dye it and style it (just so I know what it looks like and if I want it up or down).. so yes.. any who.. after the haircut we went back to her house and she got ready and we hit the gym.

It was leg day.. the last leg day of this contest prep.  yep. and let me tell you I, my “rest” breaks were me shutting my eyes and trying to sleep. It was awful. The only bright side of this story is I lifted my heaviest.. weird? haha.. no joke.

Blah blah blah got home at 1130pm and passed the fuck out.

I did book the hotel, so that’s another thing off my list of things to do. Now its just a waiting game really lol. Playing around with my poses and how my “abs” look in certain poses.. I am def ready to get all pampered though. Taylor is going to do an amazing job I already know.. now if my body was up to par…..

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don’t worry.. I’ll be confident up there because you really don’t have any other choice lmfao.. but deep down I could of done better. I just have to remind myself that I didn’t do this with the intention of trying to out beat every girl.. this was a personal goal.  Really just a set date that I needed to lose that god awful weight in and I think I at least accomplished that. Again.. just WAIT for the before and after pics.. I at least lost 25 SOLID POUNDS OF FAT. Ugh I was disgusting.

Alright that was my little update for you and again I apologize for the lack material in my blogs.. I PROMISEEEEE as soon as I get SOME energy I will put A LOT of effort into making this blog something special. I LOVE receiving the comments/feed back from you guys. It ALWAYS puts me in a better mood/ a smile on my face. So I thank you.

now, to leave you with a photo that have made my jaw drop today..

..talk about  motivation.

Now go work out! 😉

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Day 73 I apologize in advance if you open this.

Okay. I think I’m done with that. My sweet tooth is ah rockin’. I don’t know where teh cravings came from but they are here. Mind you I probably wont ever have my favorite foods (like the above mentioned) but these made a little happy dance in my mouth. No joke.. I could binge for days on this kind of sugar.. I didnt however take a picture of the Pizza Pot Pie.. okay now, I am allowing myself to take a trip here. It is in Chicago and I hear you will always wait no less than 60  min. It comes in a small size then a lb then 2 lbs (but I hear only 7-8 people have eaten the entire thing), it looks AMAZING. SIMPLY DIVINE! A huge “BOWL” of crust with whatever you want in it (I love just cheese on my pizza), so a bowl of homemade suace with a heeping cover of cheese. Holy Shit. Okay okay I’ll post a picture haha 🙂 AND… ONLY because I will already be in Chicago I will try out Sprinkles cupcakes.. I am super excited.. but more importantly I am looking forward to cooking my healthy cooking again.. I have AWESOME recipes to try out and I miss my Lara bars and my fruit smoothies.. (that’s  possibly why I am having cravings.. I cut out my fruit aka sugar!!)..  But anywho.. today is a busy day..

Got up at 530am, did 45min of the stairs.. work from 9-5, class from 6-950, then a quick 45-60min round of cardio 🙂

The Food Log..

7am Protein Shake (1/4c Oatmeal, Dymatize, 2Tbs PB2, Ice, Water)
11am Chicken Breast
1pm 1/4 c Almonds
4pm Extra Lean Ground Turkey w/ Broccoli and mustard.
7pm Chicken Breast
11pm Protein Shake (Dymatize, PB2)

The Workout..

6am 45 Min Stairmaster
10pm 45 Min Stairmaster

Day 73 in Pictures…. have you had enough with the pictures yet??


Holy shitballs. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help it. If you want an awesome cheat I left the recipe up top … :/// and this I found on pinterest…. actually I pretty much find all my munchie “wishicouldeatthis” on pinterest.

Actually I was going to post my normal pictures of the day, but fuck it.. This is practically what I thought about constantly. Not to mention I ate a few slices of pineapple. Paid for it later, let me tell you. My stomach was in knots. 😦 Anywho.. had a psych test and bombed it. Literally guessed on every single question. I didn’t even read them. Just waited for him to give us like 5 answers so I’d at least get something right. I don’t care. We do not get along, and I do not agree with how he teaches. Well everyone have a good morning! Achieve dream and believe.

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Simply Shredded – 20 Tips for Torching Fat

20 Tips For Torching Fat: Use These Rules Of Thumb To Help You Get Lean

We’ve compiled 20 nutritional tips to help you burn off your unwanted fat and keep it off.

1. Be Multi-Ogranic

Sure, it’s pricier, but organic beef and dairy are worth the extra bucks. U.K. research shows that organic milk has about 70% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk, and a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that grass-fed cows produced milk containing 500% more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than cows who ate grain.

Since omega-3s and CLA can both help you drop fat as well as gain muscle, it makes sense to shell out the extra cash for organic cheese, cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt as well as grass-fed beef.

2. Slow Down

When you reach for carbs, choose slow-digesting whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread, which keep insulin levels low and steady, and prevent insulin spikes from halting fat burning and ramping up fat storage.

A study conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University found that men or women following a low-calorie diet with carbs coming only from whole grains lost significantly more abdominal fat than those following a low-calorie diet with carbs from refined sources.

3. Eat Unforbidden Fruit

A study from the Scripps Clinic (San Diego) found that men who ate half a grapefruit or drank 8 ounces of grapefruit juice three times a day lost an average of 4 pounds in 12 weeks, without changing their diet. The effect is likely due to grapefruit’s ability to lower insulin levels, thereby limiting fat storage. To test the effects yourself, try regularly adding half a grapefruit to a few of your daily meals.

4. Egg On You

Eggs are packed with protein and have been shown to promote muscle strength and mass. Research shows that subjects consuming eggs for breakfast not only eat fewer calories throughout the day but also lose significantly more body fat. We recommend eating eggs for breakfast daily, scrambling three whole eggs with three egg whites.

5. Get Fat

Certain fats particularly omega-3s do not lead to fat gain and can actually promote fat loss.

Eating fat to lose fat seems counterintuitive, but if you keep your fat intake at about 30% of your total daily calories by choosing fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, or trout as well as other healthy fat sources such as olive oil, peanut butter, and walnuts, you can actually boost your fat loss when compared with eating a low-fat diet.

6. Milk It

Dairy products are rich in calcium, which can help spur fat loss, particularly around your abs. This may be due to the fact that calcium regulates the hormone calcitriol, which causes the body to produce fat and inhibit fat burning. When calcium levels are adequate, calcitriol and fat production are suppressed while fat burning is enhanced.

Adding low-fat versions of cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt (Greek or plain) to your diet are great ways to boost protein intake and aid fat loss.

7. Go Pro

A high-protein diet not only promotes hypertrophy (muscle growth) but also enhances fat loss. Researchers at Skidmore College found that men who followed a high-protein diet-40% of total daily calories from protein-for eight weeks lost more body fat than those following a low-fat/ high-carb diet. One reason eating more protein may work is that it boosts levels of peptide YY, a hormone that decreases hunger levels.

8. An Apple A Day…

Apples are a great slow-digesting carb with numerous beneficial antioxidants. One group of compounds known as apple polyphenols has been found to boost muscle strength, endurance, and even fat loss, especially around the abs. While apple polyphenols appear to directly improve the body’s ability to burn fat while limiting fat production and storage, the boost in endurance and strength is helpful as well, allowing you to train longer and harder.

A typical large apple provides about 200 milligrams of apple polyphenols and about 30 grams of carbs.

9. Go Nuts

A study from California’s Loma Linda University reported that subjects following a low-calorie, higher-fat diet (40% of total calories from fat) with the majority of fat coming from almonds lost significantly more body fat and abdominal fat in 24 weeks than subjects consuming the same calories but more carbs and less fat. So be sure to include nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, and walnuts in your diet.

10. Go Green

The main ingredient in green tea, epigal-locatechin gallate [EGCG), inhibits the enzyme that normally breaks down the neurohormone norepinephrine. Nerepinephrine keeps the metabolic rate up, so preventing its breakdown helps you burn more calories throughout the day.

Drinking green tea is a great way to stay hydrated during workouts, according to a new study in the Journal of Nutrition, which reported that subjects drinking green tea while exercising lost significantly more abdominal fat than those drinking a placebo.

11. Whey Lean

Drinking whey protein as a between meal snack is a smart way to enhance not only muscle growth but also fat loss. U.K. researchers found that when subjects consumed a whey protein shake 90 minutes before eating a buffet-style meal, they ate significantly less food than when they consumed a casein protein shake beforehand. Scientists reported that this was due to whey’s ability to boost levels of the hunger blunting hormones cholecystokinin and glucagonlike peptide-1.

12. Go Fish

As mentioned in tip No. 5, the essential omega-3 fats in fish oil promote fat loss, which is enhanced with exercise.

This is also true for fish-oil supplements containing omega-3 fats. For the best burn, take 1-2g of fish oil at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

13. Add Some Guac

Avocados are full of monounsaturated fat, which isn’t usually stored as body fat. They also contain mannoheptulose, a sugar that blunts insulin release and enhances calcium absorption. Keeping insulin low and getting plenty of calcium is critical for encouraging fat loss.

Try adding a quarter of an avocado to salads and sandwiches.

14. Get Energized

Certain energy drinks have been shown to boost fat loss. University of Oklahoma researchers reported in a 2008 study that when 60 male and female subjects consumed a diet energy drink containing 200mg of caffeine and 250mg of EGCG from green tea extract for 28 days, they lost more than a pound of body fat without changing their diets or exercise habits.

15. Not So Sweet

Even though artificially sweetened drinks are calorie free, drinking too many can hinder your fat loss. It seems that beverages like diet soda mess with your brain’s ability to regulate calorie intake, causing you to feel hungrier than normal, so you eat more total calories.

Other research suggests that the sweet taste of these drinks can increase the release of insulin, which can blunt fat burning and enhance fat storage.

16. Go Even Greener

The majority of studies showing the effectiveness of green tea for fat loss have used green tea extract. One study confirmed that the EGCG from the extract was absorbed better than the EGCG from the tea.

Take about 500mg of green tea extract in the morning and afternoon before meals.

17. In The Black

Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the same plant, but different processing causes black and oolong teas to lose their green color and turn either brown or black. Oolong tea has been shown to enhance metabolic rate due to polyphenols other than EGCG. Black tea may also aid fat loss: Researchers from University College London found that drinking black tea regularly can reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that encourages fat storage especially around the midsection.

18. Be Aqua Man

German researchers have shown that drinking about 2 cups of cold water can temporarily boost metabolic rate by roughly 30%. The effect appears to be mainly due to an increase in norepinephrine.

19. Spice It Up

Hot Peppers contain the active ingredient capsaicin, a chemical that has been shown to promote calorie burning at rest as well as reduce hunger and food intake. Its effects are particularly effective when paired with caffeine-in fact: research shows that the pair can significantly boost fat burning during exercise, Try adding crushed red pepper, hat peppers, or hot pepper sauce to your meals to burn extra calories and fat. If you can’t stand the heat, consider taking a supplement that contains capsaicin instead.

20. Say Soy-Anara To Fat

Soy protein is a proven fat burner. In fact, in a 2008 University of Alabama study, researchers found that guys drinking 20g of soy daily for three months lost a significant amount of abdominal fat.

The effect appears to be due to soy’s ability to decrease hunger levels.

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